Friday, June 26, 2009

VBS (vacation bible school)

Angela and Austin just finished Vacation Bible School at a church near our home, Grace Lutheran Church. What a wonderful program and what fun they had. It was all week long. They had so much fun. Austin and Angela both enjoy all the singing, crafts, making t-shirts, the snacks and so much more. The look forward to it every year!!! The people that volunteer are so nice and make sure all the kids have so much fun.

Maxwell is doing good. Will be going into his Senior Year - hard to believe. He only has 1.5 credits more to graduate. He received his letterman jacket from School. Mom had to get a picture and of course, dad had to get into the action and show off his "old" letterman jacket. They never grow up!

The Wizard of OZ

Angela just got done being in her dance performance at Kingbury Hall in the Wizard of Oz. She performed on two nights and was in two dances. She was in a dance called the Wiz and she was also in another dance where she was the lollipops. She is such a good dancer and really enjoys it. If you are in town and want to catch her dancing she will be performing next year at Kingsbury in June.

Austin --- This spring he was jumping off playground equipment and broke his leg. It was a pretty good break. He broke the tibia just below the knee. He had to be in a cast for 7 weeks. He handled it so good and was a very patient young man. He is now all healed and back to his playful, rambunctious self.

Our Most Recent Family Photo

Hey Everyone,

Just set up our new blog and wanted to add our first photo of our family that was taken last fall. The kids keep growing in leaps and bounds!!!